Magic Words
Written by Suet: quote, sue 5 Comments
My sister Laura and I were wandering around the streets of Chicago in summer – hot, sweaty and red-faced. We sought refuge in the cafe in the basement of the State building downtown, the one that looks like a giant silver beehive.
An obviously mentally ill woman came up and began talking to Laura. She was friendly, but speaking so rapidly and so close to my sister’s face that I could tell Laura was a bit taken aback.
“Do I scare you?” the woman demanded, sensing Laura’s discomfort.
“Um,” said Laura. I could see that she was frantically thinking of something polite to say. “No, no, it’s just that I’m a littleĀ discombobulated because it is so hot outside.”
“Well, that’s God for ya,” the woman said, and walked away.
“Well, that’s God for ya” became an instant classic in our vocabulary of sisterhood. Whenever anything was beyond our ken, that phrase capped the conversation. We used it for good things and bad, beautiful and ugly.
It always made us laugh and reminded us that, in this crazy world, the answer to so many questions is just “That’s God for ya.”
March 7th, 2008 at 10:06 am
My friends and I say a similar thing: “God just cracks me up!”
March 7th, 2008 at 2:15 pm
These family mantras are one of the things that keep memories alive-keep us connected. Faced with any large, overwhelming task, my family brings out an old chestnut my daughter said when she was three:
I’m tough as snails
March 7th, 2008 at 8:46 pm
Mrs. G., I love, love, love to sit in the back of Laura’s class and cut things out of construction paper for the teacher, just so that I can witness moments like these. And the cool thing is that Every Single Time I show up to cut construction paper, I do witness moments like these. The kids are brimming with them. And so are you for sharing them. I love you. (Can I say that now, I’ve known you for like a month?)
March 7th, 2008 at 8:47 pm
P.S. And by “known you for like a month,” I mean that I’ve been reading your blog that long. š
March 8th, 2008 at 2:36 am
In our family, we like to say, “Sorry ’bout your luck”, which is in reference to something someone’s ex-boyfriend liked to say, thinking he was being both superior and witty…and of course, he was neither.
Great story, thanks for sharing!